Our New Climate Action Book!

Terra Nova founder Rose Challies and writer Susan Wills have written a book! And we've hooked up with well-known Wellington illustrator Laura Bee to provide the beautiful illustrations.


Help us make climate action easy for everyone.

One Year, One You, One Planet – 365 Actions for Positive Change  blends personal and planetary wellbeing, to help us make the all-important and immediate shift our planet needs, to continue to be a thriving habitat for our kids, their kids and the ones after that.

We know there are other ‘climate action books’ out there. And many, many websites. So what makes this book different?
We discovered that none of them make it personal and easy. Climate change is just too big an issue for most of us to consider tackling. And you’ve got other stuff going on – family, finances, personal obligations. You’re tired; you’re busy; it seems expensive and hard; you don’t want to seem like a crazy greenie looney. We get it.
Yet you also know the climate crisis will see extreme weather events increase, food and energy become more expensive, and climate action becomes climate reaction. Cue climate anxiety, and a whole new cycle of stress.

The good news is that research shows you can help manage anxiety by engaging in meaningful action as part of a community. Our year of actions will help you easily and quickly understand impactful behaviours and build new climate-friendly micro-habits and climate fitness, one day at a time, in line with a global community of others.


Please don’t wait to join us as we embark upon this mission to live in harmony together upon a thriving earth.
Ecology and economy are inextricably linked.
The book is currently in pre-production with a print date of the end of November – ready for an action-packed start to 2025.

We’re pleased to share that this is a not-for-profit project. Any profits from this book will go to support the work of Terra Nova Foundation and the native forest regeneration entity Torokiki Aotearoa Ltd (of which Susan is a founder).