Plan for the future of your business. Ensure resilience in times of extreme events and be Earth+ to ensure your organisation can thrive.
For SMEs, NfPs and Social Enterprises readying themselves for the future and seeking out ways to optimise their potential, without compromising ethics or our planet.
Find out how well your organisation is tracking on it’s resilience, carbon emissions and contributions to Earth. Get recognition for what you’ve done so far and get clear direction on where to go next.
These assessments include a full review of governance, operations, customer/client engagement, community engagement and environmental impact.
An Earth+ (earth positive) organisation makes products or services that ensure that people and the environment flourish from end to end and are the leaders in future markets. It is different to mainstream sustainability and extractive approaches that can allow an organisation to largely continue as before, without challenging their full impact or making major and necessary shifts.
Organisations that achieve good practice or excellence in their assessment will be eligible for Earth+ Accreditation. (The first accredited organisations will be announced and celebrated as part of Te Ao Earth Week later this year.)
Assessments cost from $1,500-$5,000 depending on the size of your organisation.
Join the Earth+ future!